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Total Body Transformation: The Fat Burner

  • 39 Steps


This 8-week program is for you if you're looking to burn more calories than your typical resistance training workout. Circuit training is great for maintaining muscle while trying to lose body fat. Perfect for those trying to reduce calorie intake, because although we're using lighter weights at a faster pace, your body's still receiving the signal to preserve the muscle it currently has. If you don't like traditional forms of cardio (jogging, riding a bike, swimming) and prefer to feel the iron, this is a perfect high-calorie burning option. If you're not the biggest fan of strength training but know how important it is, this will cover the minimum requirement, while burning a large amount of calories and still giving you that cardio endorphin high if that's your preferred method of exercise. If you're brand new to weightlifting, circuit training can be enough to result in good muscle gains. Circuit training was originally the flagship fitness theory of matFIT. However, thru the years of experience and gained knowledge, we prefer to program it periodically over a calendar year. That's why 8 weeks is the perfect amount of time to reap the benefits of a circuit-training-based program. Equipment needed: A regular commercial gym is equipped with all the necessary items. A common home or garage gym arrangement should be sufficient. By being a bit inventive, you can substitute dumbbells for barbells and vice versa to accomplish the task. You will need a range of dumbbells in different weights, a pull-up bar, and at least one kettlebell of medium weight. Additionally, a bench or step can be utilized for box jumps and/or step-ups.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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